The home is a person's biggest investment.
To protect it, and give peace of mind, one needs solid, expert advice, The Building Standards Institute delivers The National Home Maintenance Manual: The Complete Guide Caring for Your Home.
Intentionally written for the layperson, it clearly outlines an accurate, up-to-date comprehensive list of home maintenance guidelines that lets the homeowner know when and how often to perform essential maintenance tasks around the home.
A maintenance guide makes it easy to keep track of weekly, monthly and yearly home maintenance tasks. It also reveals the Ten Most Common Mistakes People Make in Their Homes. Fully vetted by national building organizations, it includes Glossary of Terms, Resources and Recommended Maintenance Schedule charts.
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The home is a person's biggest investment.
To protect it, and give peace of mind, one needs solid, expert advice, The Building Standards Institute delivers The National Home Maintenance Manual: The Complete Guide Caring for Your Home.
Intentionally written for the layperson, it clearly outlines an accurate, up-to-date comprehensive list of home maintenance guidelines that lets the homeowner know when and how often to perform essential maintenance tasks around the home.
A maintenance guide makes it easy to keep track of weekly, monthly and yearly home maintenance tasks. It also reveals the Ten Most Common Mistakes People Make in Their Homes. Fully vetted by national building organizations, it includes Glossary of Terms, Resources and Recommended Maintenance Schedule charts.
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Aliquam elit urna, tristique ut laoreet vel, consequat a velit. Vivamus aliquet mi non lectus interdum, sed faucibus eros semper. Nam volutpat arcu nec justo pellentesque laoreet eget eget felis. Aenean quam odio, faucibus vitae vulputate sed, rutrum non mi. Nulla vestibulum ullamcorper turpis, a tristique augue ornare in. Suspendisse aliquet augue non eleifend tincidunt. Praesent ullamcorper sollicitudin sem, vel scelerisque ligula posuere eget.
Praesent sagittis pulvinar varius. Mauris vitae feugiat felis. Mauris ornare augue tellus, mattis semper dui tempor feugiat. Vestibulum sollicitudin magna at sapien aliquam, a porttitor felis vehicula. Nam velit magna, aliquet ut mollis id, cursus vitae diam.
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123 Maple Street
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Tel: (333) 456-7654
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